Tuesday 20 October 2020

What are the symptoms of Kidney problems or disease?

If I am asked a question to name three most important and critical organs of our body, then I will definitely have kidneys in that list. This is because; kidneys play a very important role in removing waste products from our body in the form of urine. But, despite having some knowledge about it, most of us are not responsible towards taking care of them and in turn end up suffering kidney related problems. Hence, it is always good to stay alert and take care, when we experience those first probable signals of discomfort.

You may now ask me what those signals are and when is the right moment to see a doctor? Usually and unfortunately too, serious problems related to kidneys are identified at a very late stage. But there is no cause for alarm. A regular, simple blood test to find out the level of serum creatinine in your blood can give you a fair idea about how your kidneys are functioning.

However, even though creatinine levels may be well within range, it is not a very good idea to ignore any of these conditions, if you face on a consistent basis. These could well turn out to be possible symptoms for kidney related problems;

·         You experience a rapid loss of weight and loose appetite.

·         Due to build-up of excess fluid in your ankles, feet or even hands, there is swelling in these areas.

·         You experience shortness of breath for a period of more than one month.

·         You tend to feel tired, weak and fatigued.

·         Frequent urge to pass urine especially during night times

·         You find it difficult to get a sound sleep or experience frequent loss of sleep called as insomnia.

·         You develop skin rashes and itchy skin.

·         Sometimes, you may experience cramps in your muscles.

·         You experience frequent headaches which are on and off.

·         In case of men when you face a medical condition called as erectile dysfunction or impotence.

The bottom line

Kidney problems can cause serious health issues if not diagnosed at the correct time. Hence, it is always good to see your doctor if you experience any of the above mentioned symptoms. A stitch in time saves nine. Hence, help your kidneys, to help you stay healthy!

Thursday 8 October 2020

What are the symptoms of Kidney Stones?

One of the common and troublesome problems associated with kidneys is Kidney Stones. They are hard collection of salts and minerals formed inside the kidney. Minerals accumulate in your urine mainly if you do not have enough quantity of water inside your body.

Kidney stones can vary in sizes from an inch to several inches. They can be very painful and take a dangerous shape, if not treated earlier. 

How do you know whether you have a kidney stone or not? 

Watch out for these symptoms and see a doctor, if they get out of control.

·       You are likely to develop pain in your back, belly or side. Usually you may attribute this pain to a stress or a strain or even a muscle spasm. But it could be much worse than that. This pain can be so immense that it could block the passage of urine out of your body. You may feel this pain or and off with the same intensity.

·      Kidney stones can move within your urinary tract. An effect of this is seen when you feel a burning sensation or pain while passing urine. This sharp pain can well be one of the symptoms.

·      Frequent urge to visit the washroom is another symptom you may experience.  This could increase either during the day or night.

·      Another very common symptom noticed for kidney stones is the presence of blood in the urine. The colour of the blood might be either red or brown.

·        You are likely to observe a cloudy appearance of your urine or even experience foul smell emitting out of your urine. This can be an early indication of a possible kidney stone.

·     Fever and Chills accompanying the pain, if experienced, needs to be attended immediately. This can well be a sign of the presence of a kidney stone or a urinary tract infection.

The Bottom Line

Kidney Stones can be very painful and unbearable. Some stones which are not very big in size might get dissolved and move out along with urine. Others bigger in size might lead to more complications if not attended to early. Call your doctor and get medical help if the pain becomes very unbearable and troublesome.