Wednesday 26 June 2019

Benefits and Risks of Kidney Transplant

Kidney Transplant surgery is a medical procedure wherein the defective kidney is replaced by a healthy kidney taken from a living or deceased donor. It is a treatment of last resort, performed when there is no possibility of restoring the function of the kidney back to good health, which is usually the case due to ailments like chronic kidney failure. It is also a preferred option compared to   repeated dialysis sessions for the remainder of the person’s life.

In the field of Nephrology although there are many risks to this procedure, there are immense benefits accrued from this as well, and it would be prudent for us to know both of them in order to make an informed decision.

Benefits of Kidney Transplant
  • This is an excellent alternative to dialysis, provided there is a good match between the donor and recipient.
  • The recipient can resume his/her normal, day-to-day activities in both personal as well as professional spheres of his/her life, although the person will have to take medications to prevent kidney rejection.
  • A successful kidney transplant has a very good success rate, both in terms of the life span of the person as well as the quality of life post-transplantation.  This means, a significantly better quality of life and higher chances of living longer. Also, the dietary restrictions are relatively few compared to being on dialysis.
  • This allows the recipient to have a more fulfilling and satisfactory life.
  • For the donor too, the restrictions that are put in place after donating the kidney are beneficial to him/her if there is a family history of kidney diseases, as the restrictions act as prophylactic measures.
  • A successful surgery may correct anemia and result in fewer blood pressure medications if the person had been suffering from hypertension before.
NU Hospitals is one of the best kidney care hospitals that evaluates each potential case, facilitating  and performing successful transplants solely on the basis of safety of and benefits to the patient.  The doctors take a holistic view of the entire case and consider both the advantages as well as risks, and only go ahead with this procedure if the former outweighs the latter. Here are some of the risks that need to be considered:

Risks of Kidney Transplant
  • There are chances of rejection of the donor kidneys by the recipient’s system even in case of a match.
  • There might be potential side-effects arising out of this process, including any adverse reactions to the anesthesia administered as part of the surgery, or due to infection or bleeding. These include acne, diabetes, excessive hair growth or hair loss, weight gain etc.
  • Kidney transplant can increase the risks for some varieties of cancer.
  • Regular health checks are mandatory for the recipient for the rest of his/her life.
  • In rare cases, death may occur due to unexplained reasons even after a successful transplantation.

Kidney Transplant in India requires the hospital to first put the patient’s name on the recipient list and then wait for a suitable donor. Once the donor is available, both are briefed about the process and only then is the treatment carried out. 

Wednesday 19 June 2019

Get to Know Your Kidneys Working Efficiency

When properly functioning, kidneys help eliminate wastes and excess fluids from the blood and expel them from the body in the form of urine. Located on either side of the spine and posterior to the abdomen, they also control the quantities of various minerals and water in the body, apart from being indispensable for the production of red blood cells, blood pressure regulating hormones and Vitamin D. That said, there are many tests available to determine any signs of kidney failure or damage. Here are a few of them:

Serum Creatinine Test: Creatinine is a water product that results from the normal wear and tear of muscles. It is expelled by the kidneys at a constant rate. The normal levels for a healthy adult male ranges from 0.7 to 1.2 mg/dl and from 0.5 to 1.0 mg/dl for a female. A creatinine level of over 1.4 mg/dl is an early sign that the kidneys are not functioning optimally.

Urine Analysis: Kidney doctors also assess the level of proteins and urine in the urine to determine the extent of kidney damage. Of course, infection is just one of the reasons for proteins in the urine, another major reason being physical workout. Therefore, the nephrologists may also for a 24-hour sample or repeat this test after a few weeks to be sure of the cause.

Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN): This is a compound which forms in the liver from the breakdown of proteins that we eat. Normal BUN levels range between 7 and 20. Greater the BUN level, the lower the efficiency of kidney function.

Biopsy: This is performed using a thin needle to collect tiny samples of kidney tissue for the purpose of examining them under a microscope. This is usually done to identify a specific disease, evaluate the amount of damage or ascertain the reasons for an unsuccessful kidney transplant.

Micro albuminuria: This is a dipstick test used to detect the presence of albumin in the urine. This is usually performed in cases where a person is highly predisposed to develop kidney disease, or at a greater risk of getting affected by diabetes or high blood pressure.

These are some of the basic tests that are performed to assess the magnitude of kidney function. It is always a good idea to get your kidneys checked as part of your regular health checks for maximum effectiveness of kidney treatment, if found to be faulty.

Thursday 13 June 2019

Four Ways to Keep Your Kidneys Healthy

Keeping your kidneys functioning properly and free of any ailments is a vital aspect of your physical well-being. As with every other system in our body, ensuring this is quite simple; healthy diet, physical activity and relinquishing smoking and alcoholism are the broad outline of the fundamentals needed to be kept in mind to maintain kidneys in top nick. In a majority of cases, these prophylactic measures suffice. However, in case of more serious complications, medical intervention becomes necessary. NU Hospitals is a kidney hospital located in Bangalore that specializes in the intricacies and path breaking innovations in renal care.   But first, let us now examine the specific steps we can take:

Drink adequate amounts of water and fluids

A major reason for formation and accumulation of the stones is due to lack of water to dissolve them and flush them out of your system. However, it is also important to know the right type of fluids that can actually aid your body. Water is the best drink, followed by limited quantities of fruit juice with the fiber and minus added sugar. Do not drink sodas, caffeinated drinks and alcohol.

Egg whites

Egg whites are the richest sources of proteins and low in phosphorus and cholesterol. It consists of all the essential amino acids that keep your kidneys healthy. There are certain proteins which strain your kidneys and also produce lots of wastes while being metabolized in the body. The proteins in the egg white are the high-quality proteins that produce less waste and promote kidney health.

Olive oil

Olive oil is consists of an anti-inflammatory fatty acid, oleic acid. It consists of mono saturated fats and also has anti-oxidant properties that protects against oxidation and prevent inflammation. There are many studies that reveal that use of large amounts of olive oil reduces the risk of heart disease and cancer, this considerably aiding in effective kidney treatment.

Monitor your blood sugar and pressure

Diabetes and high blood pressure are a welcome mat for a host of kidney diseases and damage. Therefore, if you have high blood sugar levels and/or pressure, or are prone to these due to hereditary and lifestyle factors, make sure you undergo regular tests to keep them in check.

A word of caution here. Kidney dialysis is sometimes mistaken to be a cure of sorts, or a process that can keep/ make the kidneys healthy. However, that’s not entirely true. Dialysis is at best an interim treatment option that can be carried out till such time as a matching donor becomes available for a transplant.

Notwithstanding the above steps, if there is a serious progression in the severity of kidney damage, please visit a nephrologists immediately. If diagnosed in the initial stages, the treatment options are relatively less complicated, but in the end stages, kidney transplant is the only reliable medical solution.

Monday 10 June 2019

5 Tips to Exercising With Bladder and Kidney Stones

Kidney stones is a painful condition that occurs due to deposits of minerals, usually calcium, in the urinary system. While it is a well-known fact that exercising and eating sensibly can help prevent its occurrence in the first place, many of us are clueless about how to carry out our normal routines and exercise while passing the stones. The key aspect if we wish to keep up with our workouts in this condition is to know the right and wrong ways of going about it and how to control the pain due to the kidney stones. Here are a few tips worth knowing before you get started:

Stay hydrated, always: This is of critical importance if you’re suffering from this disease. Drink sufficient quantities of water before, during and after your workout session. Also, keep in mind that you lose fluids at a greater rate while exercising, so make sure you drink lots of water to account for this fluid loss.

Consult your doctor: If you’re on any sort of pain medications, ask your doctor or urologist about their possible unexpected reactions on your exercise. Some medications can have unpleasant side-effects, especially if you’ve never had them before or are taking them in larger quantities. It is important to remember that taking pain medications before workouts can be beneficial as exercising can cause the stone to move, thus sharply increasing the pain.

Take it easy: If the pain isn’t too severe, try to run as normally as possible. During the time it takes for a kidney stone to pass, you may experience many periods of little or no pain, so sticking to your regular workout schedule may be relatively easy in such times.

Exercise: Regular physical activity is an effective bladder and renal stone treatment, if done right. Sometimes, the stones may get entrenched in the body and refuse to pass out on their own. In such cases, kidney stone surgery needs to be performed to retrieve and extract them manually. Having said that, some light jogging and cardio workouts can definitely aid in moving the stones out naturally.

Be in sync with your body: While sticking to a exercise regimen is a good way to combat the kidney stones, do remember to pay attention and listen to your body. If you experience a strange sensation or pain in the lower back or abdomen region, stop the activity immediately. If you still wish to remain active, yoga or light walking are good options you can consider.

In any case, consult a doctor as well as a urologist before you work out. This can help guide you in the right direction for kidney stone treatment.

Tuesday 4 June 2019

Does Hot Weather increase The Risk of Kidney Stones

It is that time of the year, when the searing heat makes us want to reach out for a glass of water every few minutes. But, turns out there are more important reasons to consume more water in summer, other than for cooling ourselves.

Dehydration is very common during summer, and this lack of water in our body can lead to the formation of kidney stones. These are small deposits, usually made of calcium, that collect in the urine and form in the kidneys. If not treated promptly and properly, these can cause serious damages to our system.  Many studies have shown that people who live in hotter climates are at a greater risk of developing kidney stones than those living in cooler places. This is because, dehydration occurs faster in summer due to sweating. As a result, a person urinates less, leading to accumulation and crystallization of substances such as calcium, oxalate and uric acid in the kidneys.

It should be emphasized that it is important to consume the right kind of fluids when the weather is hot, for drinking sodas and carbonated drinks can have a counterproductive effect by reducing the water content further in our body. Drinking more amounts of water is the safest bet to prevent kidney stone formation.

Fortunately, kidney stone treatment is a simple affair if detected early enough, and one can make appropriate changes in their dietary habits to combat it. The most important, and also the simplest thing, one can do is increasing the consumption of water. Also, it is important to reduce the acidic content of our diet. Therefore it is important to consume sufficient fruits and vegetables, as well as foods rich in potassium and magnesium.

Depending on the type of kidney stones, you can modify your diet slightly. For people suffering from kidney stones made of calcium oxalate, foods like spinach, black tea, nuts, and chocolate must be limited. In case of uric acid stones, it is advised to keep a check on the quantity of animal protein and sugary sodas.

In any case, it is of utmost importance to get immediate medical care for any such complications. NU Hospitals is a reputed nephrology and urology hospital known for the effective treatment of kidney stones in Bangalore. With its modern medical infrastructure as well as qualified specialists, it has provided relief to many suffering from similar ailments.