Friday 26 June 2020

How to Prevent Bladder Cancer?

As we all know, old age for most comes with its share of changes, especially in the way the body functions and responds to certain abnormalities. While people in their old age are more susceptible to risks, it is important to know that irrespective of one’s age, a healthy lifestyle and positive outlook towards a daily routine helps one reduce the risks considerably if not eliminate the chances completely.


One such ailment which one must always be wary of is bladder cancer. Here, we are going to share with you a few bladder cancer prevention techniques which can help you and your loved ones be more cautious and proactive in the later years of life as it is more common in older men than young boys and/or girls. One of the major deterrents in a bladder cancer prevention regime is the habit of smoking. Prolonged smoking leads to some genetic changes in the body, which, with time, may develop into bladder cancer.

It is imperative to note that different age levels expose different risk factors and levels. For example, a man has 1 out of 27 chances of developing bladder cancer during his lifetime while the same for a woman is 1 in 89 chances. Studies show that people who have the habit of chain-smoking, and / or who are subjected to harmful fumes and chemicals due to their profession may be at a greater risk of developing bladder cancer.

Risk factors for bladder cancer

Exposure to the below can increase the risk of bladder cancer in the later years. Knowing what they are early in life can only make one more cautious and proactive towards bladder cancer prevention

·  Industrial chemicals

·  Aromatic amines 

·  Arsenic 

·  Rubber 

·  Aluminium 

·  Paint products 

·  Genetic history 

·  Bladder infections 

·  Birth defects 


·  Lack of hydration 

·  Medications

While bladder cancer treatment will involve the usual cancer treatment procedures, it is always advisable for people to take the necessary steps for bladder cancer prevention:

·  Reduce smoking 

·  Drink enough water

·  Well-balanced diet (Fruits and Veggies, fish rich in omega-3 along with lean protein and red meat)

It is imperative to be conscious about any changes in the body especially in the later years of life as any abnormality could be a sign and / or symptom of bladder cancer. Hence, it is always recommended to seek professional medical guidance if and when in doubt. 


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